We are pleased to highlight the interview of Prof. Claudio Lamartina on Spinal News International regarding the MySpine technology.
MySpine technology is based on custom-made Screw Placement Guides intended for use as anatomical perforating guides specific to a single patient’s anatomy to assist, intra-operatively, in the positioning of pedicle screws in the vertebral body.
See the MySpine portal
According to Prof. Claudio Lamartina the Medacta MySpine technology has the potential to combine accurate, safe screw placement whilst fulfilling additional requirements that an ideal pedicle screw placement system should guarantee. Low radiation exposure, reproducibility and no extra operative time are identified as key features of the MySpine technology.
The clinical evidence (cadaveric studies have already been published while randomised studies are on-going) supports the strength of the MySpine technology:
The preliminary data, as Lamartina says, is encouraging: “the Medacta MySpine technology appears to be a path towards a more accurate pedicle screw implant and fewer related complications”.
Read more on Spine News Discover MySpine
[1] Pedicle screw placement accuracy in thoracic and lumbar spinal surgery with a patient-matched targeting guide: A cadaveric study” by Lamartina and al.
[2] Spinal Neuronavigation and 3D-Printed Tubular Guide for Pedicle Screw Placement: A Really New Tool to Improve Safety and Accuracy of the Surgical Technique? by Dr. Landi et alter
[3] 3D Printed Tubular Guides for Pedicle Screw Placement: The Answer for the Need of a Greater Accuracy in Spinal Stabilization. The study has been published in the Orthop Muscular Syst 2015, 4:3 by Dr. Landi et alter
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